This is Sandpipery – this is who we are

Hello there! To give you a better idea of Sandpipery and our story, we’d like to introduce ourselves a bit better on this page. What is Sandpipery all about? Read on!

Welcome to Sandpipery – this is our story.

The story behind Sandpipery

From passion for travel to modern wall decorations

The idea for Sandpipery first emerged in 2017 from a desire to offer high-quality and custom-designed wall decorations inspired by the pure joy of travel.

Back then, we definitely didn’t expect to grow so quickly into the company we are today, with innovative and sustainable product ideas, shipping our products to happy customers around Europe.

Throughout our growth and success we have defined ourselves a clear goal: we want to focus completely on offering hand-made quality products. At the same time we think it’s also important to be able to offer you beautiful, custom-designed wall decorations.

Our product selection is growing steadily and continuously, meaning that we can offer you even better and more diverse high-quality products in the future.

The challenges will never end, but we’re here for you as the leading company offering design solutions around cork and wood in our region.

Welcome to Sandpipery!

“A small company lives a life of its own. If the people and the processes fit together, one can develop new, innovative ideas and solutions. When you’re doing things you believe in, you are sure to reach your goals.”
Denny Duttig
CEO & Founder, Sandpipery

Sustainable, modern design from Berlin

Environmentally friendly decorations and pinning boards from the capital

Made in Berlin

Sandpipery lives in Berlin. All of our products are manufactured individually in the capital. Our careful attention to detail guarantees the quality of our hand-finished wall decorations.

Efficient Logistics

Achieving short production chains for our products is a top priority for us. We aim at minimising transport and optimising our logistics for our materials and products, every day.

Fast delivery

Storage, manufacturing, and administration all live under one roof at Sandpipery, to optimise our logistics. You can sit back, relax, and enjoy faster delivery times.

Our materials

Renewable, sustainable raw materials for our products

When choosing our raw materials, we pay attention to both their sustainable production as well as renewable resources as much as possible.

By doing this, we can offer you modern design products for your home while being conscious about taking our environment into consideration.

You can read more about the materials we use under Product Information.

The Sandpiper

The little bird behind the big story

The sandpiper, this little bird that you’ve perhaps seen on a beach or by the sea, is the inspiration for our name.

Some sandpipers spend nearly three quarters of their lives on a journey between their nesting spots and the regions where they spend their winters.

These long journeys take these little birds to the most diverse places on this planet. Thus, these tiny travellers get to see a lot of different regions and areas throughout the world.

Discovering distant countries, foreign cultures, and the wilderness out there. Getting excited about your next trip or holiday, planning your next adventure with butterflies in your stomach.

Carrying the diversity and beauty of the world inside your heart.

We all know how this excitement from looking forward to what the future may hold feels. And it’s something you should carry with you wherever this journey of life may take you. With our selection of diverse wall decorations you can experience this excitement over and over again.

Therefore, we’re here to share our ideas and designs with you – so that you can discover the world anew, every day, just like the little sandpiper.

Discover our products

Your world, your country, or your city. Our maps can be just as individual and unique as you are.